Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Horror of horrors!

Timothy has figured out the Santa thing this year, and though I am glad we were able to prolong the magic 10 whole years, it is kind of nice to see his reaction to the other side of things. Chris had him read "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus," and he GETS it. And we've spent the past two nights watching "It's a Wonderful Life" with him, so he's seeing his Daddy and me at our mushy worst. Chris cries in about 4 places in the film, and I cry watching Chris. I married George Bailey folks, and I know how lucky I am. :)

The ONLY thing I don't like about this movie is when George gets his wish of seeing what life would have been like without him and discovers - HORRORS! - that Mary is a spinster LIBRARIAN. Oh no! What a terrible fate!

I am affronted!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Public Service Announcement

In an effort to be greener this Christmas, when we realized that all but two of our strands of Christmas lights had burned out, I sent Chris to the store to buy some of those new fangled LED lights for the tree. $33 later, he had 4 sets on the tree in hopes that the extra cost would be worth it in a reduced power bill.

Then we turned them on. After we had all the decorations and tinsel on the tree.


DO NOT BUY THE LED LIGHTS!!!!! Unless you intentionally want your Christmas tree to look cold and weird and blue and odd, in which case, buy away. But if you like your Christmas tree warm and cozy and sparkly and capable of inspiring fond, fuzzy memories for generations to come, stick with the old power guzzling variety. They may burn out fast, but at least they don't look like evil robots decorated your tree.

I realize this post is useless without pictures, but pictures don't capture this correctly. You'll just have to come by for a demonstration.