Thursday, August 28, 2008

FINALLY! I finished the damn thing......

I can give Pillars of the Earth back to Jan. I am done. Such a frustrating book. The story was.....okay? The writing was pedestrian and whoever edited that thing must have gotten as irritated as I did because they did a crappy job. One of the female characters was described as "sexy" - Excuse me? This is in the 1140s! Women were not sexy back then, nor were they "hot" in the 1130s, as he describes two women early in the book. ARGH. I have no doubt that women were attractive, even beautiful, in the middle ages, but I am sorry. People who bathe only twice a year, wear the same clothes for months on end, live with their cattle and have lice are NOT sexy or hot. Find some new adjectives, Mr. Follett.

In better news, finishing that damned book allows me to do something around the house again. Since we've got this week off from homeschooling, I have read that book but have done NOTHING resembling housekeeping. The dog hair has formed tumbleweeds, laundry piles abound, and the girls have taken to creating forts out of blankets, pillows and random chairs in the playroom. I have managed to keep the kitchen sanitary (I do have my limits) but since the garbage disposal on/off seal isn't working, extra vigilance is required in there this week. Everything must go in compost or in the bag in the freezer to go out on trash day. Nothing goes in the disposal or in the garbage can due to the awful fruit fly problems of late. Plus, the dog realllllllly needs a bath and our carpet is beginning to remind me of that point every evening when the sun comes streaming in the playroom, warming said carpet. Funk-E.

So, tomorrow, I vow that I will make the kids put away their forts, clean up the playroom, and vacuum (and Febreze). I will wash three loads of laundry and (sigh) fold and put it away. I will clean off my desk. Well, I guess I could do that now..........hey! Look! It's the copy of "A Thousand Splendid Suns" I got at the library the other day. Hmmm, maybe I should read this instead......

Yeah, housekeeping can wait until the weekend.

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