Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ahhh..........relaxing and reading......

We got back from the beach Sun. night and it was then that I realized I read three books while we were down there - yaay me! I started another while we were there and was given two others, so I have lots of good reading to come too.

First up was "Mr. Darcy's Diary" by Amanda Grange. My dear friend Shirley, who is a fellow Austenphile, recommended it and she was spot on. Grange is brilliant at channeling Austin, but this one is Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's viewpoint. Dreamy! I flew through this one in less than 2 days.

Next up was "Falling Angels" by Tracy Chevalier, which was interesting while I was reading it, but since it took me about 20 minutes to remember what the book was about and I then had to google the author to figure out the title, it obviously wasn't one that sticks with you. I adored Chevalier's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" and liked her "The Lady and The Unicorn" as well, so I hoped this one would be as inspired. Ehn. Not so much, but like I said, a pleasant though not memorable read.

When I finished it, I picked up "Crossed" by Nicole Galland, which I had brought as my heavy reading. It wasn't grabbing me, however, and since Timo had just finished reading Crichton's "The Lost World" I picked it up instead. Zoom! Gotta love Crichton. He's definitely a page turner. Timo was fascinated by the idea of chaos theory and that humans could be bringing about another extinction, and I have to admit, it is scary/exciting to think about. It stirred lots of conversations about protecting the environment and being stewards of the earth.

Now I'm working on Crossed again (too much modern speech for characters set in the 1200s if you ask me), and in the wings sit "Live to Tell" which Mom gave me. She met the author at a church dinner and was very moved by her story. Not a cheerful read, but something important that I will get to. Christina gave me Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" which I promised to try even though all the other McCarthy I've tried has given me headaches. I'll give it a shot for Christina's sake.

In between the books, I'm trying to catch up with a week's worth of The Leaf-Chronicle, two Newsweeks, the latest Domino and Reader's Digest, and emails. I think I'll get caught up right before we go out of town again this weekend. Whew.


Just Me said...

So very glad to have you back. I can get inspiration from you, since it's been presidential candidates' websites that I've been reading! I did grab a book on the strong willed child at the library today!

Christina said...

OK. I am going to try Mr Darcy's Diary and Live to Tell. Should I read Pride and Prejudice again (since I read it forever ago) before I read Mr Darcy's Diary? Thanks for recommending Girl with a Pearl Earring. I enjoyed it so much Ryan and to drag me away from it! Maybe I'll add The Lady and The Unicorn to my list as well. I love your blog!

Christina said...

So, when are you going to add a "Books Kate Read and Loved So You Should Read Them To" section?

Kate G. Smith said...

Oooh, I'd forgotten that's there. Guess I'd better get to work! ;)