Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!

I was cooking and cooking and cooking yesterday - had a wonderful time doing it, too. My family was here (minus my brother in law, who was out hunting deer - we missed him!) and Chris' dad and stepmom brought Grandmother and the twins, so we had a houseful! Everyone talked and talked and ate and ate and would wander in and out of the kitchen while I was cooking. Lovely.

Chris is back at work today and I gave the kids the day off from school since we have Girl Scout cookie baking this afternoon anyway. My Brownies said they wanted to bake cookies for the Room in the Inn program at church, so that's what we're doing. Ten little girls in a kitchen with sugar and flour and hot ovens - I hope I come home sane! Actually, my girls are astoundingly good and sooo enthusiastic and fun that I'm sure we'll have a blast. I'll have a mess to clean up, but it will have been fun making the mess.

Now to focus on the Wine and Cheese party preparations. Whew!

1 comment:

Jenn F said...

Mar had a great time, and I know that those folks are going to be so appreciative of those cookies and the time that went into making them. Thanks for being such an awesome leader and mentor for my daughter.