Friday, November 14, 2008

I remember why I forgot....

I finished The Witching Hour yesterday and now remember why I didn't have any recollection of this book: The ending SUCKS. Hugely. Terribly. Wretchedly. I hated the ending (if you couldn't already tell). Most of the book is pleasant in the typical Anne Rice way: Over-written, but you don't mind because it's so gothy and dramatic and supernatural. But Witching Hour's end leaves the door completely wide open for a sequel - there is NO satisfactory ending to THIS story at all. UGH. Bleh bleh bleh.

And instead of jumping into a Jane Austen mystery as I had planned, I picked up A Maze of Murders by C.L. Grace. I'm on the last chapter and have thoroughly enjoyed this one! Yes, it's more medieval historical mystery, but it definitely holds up to Ellis Peter's Brother Cadfael and Margaret Frazer's series. I'll be hunting for more of these Kathryn Swinbrooke series!

As for non-book related things, I have to recommend a movie to moms of girls ages 4-10 or so: the new Tinker Bell movie. Lillie got this for her birthday (good job Nana!) and I expected it to be garbage. HOORAY! It's a charming little movie! I stayed engaged and interested for the entire film and was pleased with the moral of the story. So much of what Disney puts out has pitiful excuses for "heroines" for little girls - smart-alecky, overly mature "it" girls that are certainly NOT what I want my daughters to be. But thanks to the influence of Pixar, Tinker Bell instead encourages girls to embrace who they really are and appreciate their own strengths. The only antagonist in the film is cocky and focused on popularity; Tinker Bell's friends are kind and gentle and more interested in excelling in their own fields than in being popular or "it." It's a refreshing little movie - consider putting it on your Christmas list.


Jenn F said...

Thanks for the movie recommendation, I sure will put it on my list!

Is the Witching hour the one where she is impregnated by a ghost and gives birth to the thing and it runs off? I remember being really grossed out by the body rolled up in the carpet.

Kate G. Smith said...

Yes, that's the one. Super creepy stuff everywhere because Rice doesn't make it too specific, which is what I love. But giving birth to Lasher and then leaving and letting Michael finish the book was CHEAP. I'm still pissed about it!