Monday, November 24, 2008

When I am Empress........

there shall be no viruses. They will be exiled to lifeless planets far, far away.

So last week I was voiceless and squeaking, but felt fine otherwise. That cold travelled into my chest, where it still didn't harass me much but allowed me to share it with Lillie. Then it made me and Lillie cough and cough and cough yesterday, which made us both MISERABLE. Today the cough is gone, but I'm sore as all get out and now my throat hurts. UGH. Meanwhile, Meg has fallen asleep on the sofa, which has happened about NEVER, so I suspect Teflon Girl is fighting off her share of the bug. Isn't this a great way to prepare for Thanksgiving?

I love all the ideas for my pretty fabric! I think I'll be making some napkins in the near future with other fabric (I'm up for a fabric store trip, Christina!), but will probably make that sling purse with the prettiness I have now. Yaay! Thank you, ladies!

Okey doke, time for more tea.

1 comment:

Jenn F said...

This time of year is so yucky in lots of ways. Hope you guys are back to normal in no time. Was Charly talking about Blooming Stitches?

I'd love to make the sling bag with you guys too. :~)